Rohit Sharma had an awkward moment on the field after dropping a catch from Ruturaj Gaikwad during the IPL 2024 match between Mumbai Indians and Chennai Super Kings on Sunday. During the 12th over of the CSK innings, Gaikwad slogged a delivery from Akash Madhwal to deep mid-wicket and it looked like Rohit was positioned well to take the catch. The former MI skipper ran to his right and even pulled off a dive but the ball did not stick to his hands and spilled out at the last moment. To make matters worse, Rohit's trousers came off for a moment leaving the crowd and commentators in splits.
— Bish (@Duk3Nukem_) April 14, 2024
Coming to the match, Rohit's hundred went in vain as Chennai Super Kings beat Mumbai Indians by 20 runs. Chasing 207, MI kept losing wickets at regular intervals and although Rohit slammed a brilliant century, the hosts fell well short of the target to suffer their fourth loss of the competition.
"It (target) was definitely gettable, but they bowled pretty well. Pathirana was the difference. They were smart with the plans and their approach. They got the hang of it, there's a man behind the stumps (Dhoni) who tells them what's working, and that helps. It (pitch) was holding up a bit and getting difficult."
"It was about batting well and keeping the intent. We were going quite well (in the run chase) till Pathirana came into the attack and took those two wickets. It was about what is best at that time, we could have done something different. I like to play percentage cricket, it would have been difficult for him (Dube) against seamers rather than spin. We are on the road for the next four games, need to play good cricket, need to keep the intensity high," MI skipper Hardik Pandya said after the defeat.
from NDTV News- Topstories
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