Actor-comedian Johny Lever, who has starred alongside Shah Rukh Khan in several films, in a recent interview, recalled working with the star through the 1990s and also shared how during the shoot of Baazigar, he was way more popular than Shah Rukh Khan. Johnny Lever told YouTuber Ranveer Allahbadia, “We started working together in Baazigar back in 1991. He had done Raju Ban Gaya Gentleman and a few other films by then but I was more famous than him at that time. Even during the shoot, more people knew me. I was a star back then, Shah Rukh was upcoming. We had great understanding.” Johnny then added, “I have never seen anyone as hardworking as him, so hardworking.”
The veteran actor also shard how Shah Rukh Khan was not good at performing action sequences and dance but he worked hard and made sure that he performed them well enough. “Shah Rukh Khan was not good at fight sequences, he was not good at dance also,” he said and later added, “He made himself what he is by working hard. He became good at fights and dance.”
Shah Rukh Khan and Johny Lever worked in films like Kuch Kuch Hota Hia, Dilwale, Karan Arjun, Baazigar, Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham, Asoka, Koyla to name a few.
Recently Shah Rukh Khan disclosed that he was offered a role in the Oscar-winning film, Slumdog Millionaire. The actor revealed his reasons for declining the role of the Kaun Banega Crorepati show host in the movie. During the World Government Summit 2024 in Dubai, SRK said, “Yes, Slumdog [Millionaire] was there, now that you mention it. And I spend a lot of time with Mr. Boyle (Danny Boyle). He's very sweet. But I was doing Kaun Banega Crorepati on television, successfully at that time. And I just felt in the story that was being told, the guy who was hosting was very mean, in the story that was being told.”
Shah Rukh Khan was last seen in Rajkumar Hirani's Dunki. The film is currently streaming on OTT platform Netflix.
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