Congratulations are in order for Bipasha Basu and her husband Karan Singh Grover. The couple just brought home a brand new AudiQ7. On Monday night, Bipasha posted a video of her swanky new car and she wrote in the caption, "Devi's New Ride." Bipasha Basu and husband Karan Singh Grover welcomed a daughter in November last year and they named her Devi. The actress added the Pink Sweat$ track I Feel Good to the video and she captioned it,"Durga Durga. Thank you Audi Mumbai West for making this so special for us." She added the hashtags #audiq7,#devibasusinghgrover and #newcar to her post.
Take a look at Bipasha Basu's post here:
On Mother's Day, Bipasha Basu posted this super cute post for her daughter Devi. Take a look:
As Devi turned 6 months old, Bipasha shared this super cute post and she wrote, "Happy 6 months to our heart...Devi. Thank you everyone who sent her love, wishes and the sweetest gifts Grateful #devibasusinghgrover #halfbirthday #hafwaytoone."
Bipasha Basu met Karan Singh Grover during the shooting of the 2015 film Alone. The couple got married on April 2016 as per Bengali traditions. They later hosted a reception for their industry friends, which was attended by several Bollywood stars. The couple co-starred in the web-series Dangerous.
Bipasha Basu is best-known for her roles in films such as Dhoom 2, Jism, Phir Hera Pheri, Dum Maaro Dum, Race, Omkara, Bachna Ae Haseeno and Raaz, among others. The actress was a supermodel before entering films. She was also a presenter of the TV show Darr Sabko Lagta Hai. She made her Bollywood debut with Ajnabee in 2001.
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