Actor Swara Bhasker, who surprised everyone last month with her sudden court marriage with activist Fahad Ahmad, is now all set to tie the knot in a traditional wedding ceremony in Delhi. Pictures of her wedding invitation have gone viral on social media. The card, a work of art designed by Prateeq and illustrated by Anupam Arunachalam, revealed that the festivities will take place in March with their close family and friends in the capital city, where the two met for the first time in January 2020.
Taking to Instagram, in a joint post, Prateeq and Anupam shared a series of pictures of the wedding card. In the caption, they wrote, "Swara and Fahad wanted the invite to capture how they met and fell for each other during a citizen protest, their memories of Mumbai and Marine Drive, their abiding love for the movies, and of course, for their beautiful cat, Ghalib."
Take a look below:
Separately, according to a post by India Love Project, the card also included a special message from the newlywed couple. "Sometimes you search far and wide for something that was right next to you all along. We were looking for love, but found friendship first," the message read.
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"It began at a citizen protest (but of course!), it grew with each political development in the country, till we each discovered the person behind the cause," it added.
Further, in their wedding invite, the couple wrote, "In times of darkness, we found light and began to see each another with new eyes. And then it was a whirlwind. We found love, in times of hate. Yes, there was anxiety and uncertainty and fear. But there is also faith and trust and hope".
In February, the pair announced their marriage after keeping it a secret for more than a month. Taking to social media, Ms Bhasker shared glimpses of her relationship and wedding in a series of photos. She even shared a video montage which captured her love story, playing out against the backdrop of anti-citizenship law protests in Delhi where she met Fahad Ahmad, whose bio describes him as the president of a youth wing of the Samajwadi Party.
from NDTV News- Topstories
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