Comedian Shraddha Jain whose hilarious take on tech sector layoffs went viral on social media has come up with another fun skit. This time, Ms Jain, who is famous as 'Aiyyo Shraddha' on social media shared a video emphasising how Indians always come up with a way to understand each other despite the language barrier. In the hilarious skit, she imagines what would happen when a Kannada-speaking woman would file a complaint at a Mumbai police station.
Sharing the video on Instagram, she wrote, ''Indians will always find a way to understand each other. Always!''
Watch the video here:
The video shows her playing a Kannada woman who complains to a Marathi-speaking cop about her bag being stolen. Meanwhile, the Marathi police officer, also played by her, is not able to understand what she is saying. However, with the help of a few English words and Google translate, the duo finally manage to fathom each other's words.
The video has gone viral on Instagram, and people were in awe of her talent and comic timing. One user wrote, ''Someone Make a Netflix series on her as the main character..'' Another said, ''Love, love, love it.. and absolutely loved that “ English” was supporting actor and the “Indian languages “ were heroes! all thanks to you.''
A third said, ''oh my... wherever did you get such a cute idea.'' A fourth wrote, ''You are absolutely incredible, totally in love with you.'' A fifth added, ''Though I don't understand both languages, it is so mesmerizing to watch you act.''
Yet another wrote, ''Holy moly, there's no one on this planet who could have conceptualized something like this and you've pulled it off with such ease. Your script, acting, language, accents, and expressions are spot on. It's a one-woman show and the execution makes people believe that it is indeed two different characters.''
Last month, she met Prime Minister Narendra Modi, and called it ''one of the proud moments of her life.'' Ms Jain said that PM Modi greeted her with "Aiyyo", taking her by surprise. She also recently met UK Finance Minister Jeremy Hunt.
from NDTV News- Topstories
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